60 MINUTES $150

In order to accommodate busy schedules, I offer sessions in my office four days per week, and sessions via video conferencing. Appointments can be scheduled days, evenings and with some weekend availabilities.

For more information:

Please arrange for a consultation by calling my office directly.
615-891-9371 or via the contact form 



Intensives are a way for you to spend between one and three days doing specialized individual work. Many of us do not have the time, or the financial means to take off for weeks or months at a time.  It is not always convenient to leave our jobs and families for extended periods to work on longstanding chronic issues. You may be at a point in your journey that the healing is not happening.  You realize that spending an hour per week in session doesn’t give you the time and space to go deep enough to bring about the change you desire.  

An Individual intensive is created to offer a different experience of therapy work that is designed to bring you into an immersive and healing experience.  It is an opportunity where you can have the time and space to clear the specific blocks that stand in the way of your healing.  Intensives are created focusing on the goals of your specific treatment plan. For many, Individual Intensives offer as a way to accelerate the healing process.  For more information please arrange for a consultation by calling my office directly at 615-891-9371.